
Abnormally Placed Extra Limbs (Afflicted)

Category: Major Affliction

Genekits with this affliction have extra limbs, in places you wouldn't expect to find those limbs. For example, extra arms sprouting out of their back, or a tail on the forehead. This affliction gives up to 2 extra appendages each time it is contracted. (i.e. multiple applications of this trait allows for even more extra appendages)

*Wings are not affected by this trait

**Depending on how this trait is applied, it may result in the need to censor art and put warning labels on thumbnails to protect members of our community who may not want to see this kind of thing. We want to keep this space free and open for people to be creative with their characters, but not to the detriment of other members of our community. For more on this, please see the MYO Guide

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